Wednesday, December 13, 2017

"The Frowardness of Politics"

“The Frowardness of Politics”

If you are an Alabamian, unless you are living under a rock, you are well aware that we just went through a nasty political election.  TV ads… Presidential Tweets…  Politics these days nauseates me…makes me sick to my ever-lovin’ stomach! I was trying to think of a good word to describe what is going on in today’s politics and I think I stumbled upon one in my grandmother’s old King James Version Bible.  It’s “froward” (not to be confused with “forward” which would indicate moving in a positive direction).

Here is the passage of Scripture that I read that read and thought it nails the current state of politics not only in Alabama, but nationally…

A naughty person, a wicked man, walketh with a froward mouth. (Prov. 6: 12)

I don’t have to explain what “naughty” or “wicked” mean.  “Walketh,” when used in this way means that this is a way of life.  It is the “walk” you “walk” as opposed to just being the “talk” you “talk.” What does “froward” mean in this verse? The Hebrew word used in Prov. 6: 12 means crooked and deceitful.  Froward…opposite of toward…  In Webster’s Dictionary, “toward” means (1) In the direction of (2) facing (3) along a likely course to.  So froward would be turning your face away from…moving in a course in the other direction of…in this case the truth. Turning your face from the truth as a manner of living…froward.

As if to illustrate this, we read this in the next verse…

He winketh with his eyes, he speaketh with his feet, he teacheth with his fingers. (Prov. 6: 13)

Remember we are talking about the person whose manner of living is crooked and deceitful…  “Winketh with his eyes…speaketh with his feet… what the heck?” OK – picture a back room with 4 people sitting at a felt-covered table, smoking cigars and playing cards. Two of the players are crooked and deceitful.  They are going to cheat up a storm.  So one will wink at the other across the table…or kick the other one under the table…or scratch his cheek…  as a way to signal something in the cheating process.  Thinking of politics yet?  Feeling queasy?

When I think of the “frowardness” of politics these days, I picture two groups in a tug of war.  They are so dead set against each other, that they will not even face each other.  They are pulling against each other, with the rope over their shoulder so they can face away – not even wanting to look at the human beings on the other side of the line.  Winning for their “side” is everything.  It is their “religion.” When winning becomes your “religion,” then cheating and lying become your “sacraments.”

This is zero-sum-game stuff here.  It’s “my side can’t win unless your side loses.  If you are not 100% for me, you are against me. Whatever I have to sacrifice to get a win…even if it is my personal integrity…is worth it, because winning is everything…my religion…my god.”  Therefore, to move “toward” my opponent, is “apostasy.”  To work with someone on the other side is “blasphemy.”  I will swallow anything if it moves my side closer to a win.  I will believe anything negative that is said about my opponent, regardless of whether or not it is factual.  (Remember, in the religion of winning, lying is a sacrament). 

Frowardness…politics…  I’m just sick to death of it.  That’s one of the reasons I voted for Doug Jones yesterday.  I didn’t vote for him because I’m a Democrat.  I’m not.  I’m an Independent.  I voted for him because he ran on a platform of wanting to work with both sides…reach across the aisles…move “toward” common ground…  I voted for him and he won, but honestly I don’t feel like going around high-fiving everyone.  Because I also voted for Jones because I believe Roy Moore to be one of the most froward politicians I have ever seen.  His whole platform is defiance.  He doesn’t seem to want to move “toward” anyone…even his fellow Republicans.

In addition to that, I believe the accusations of Moore’s sexual misconduct are credible.  I’m not naïve enough to think that “politics” isn’t coming into play with the timing of these allegations.  But I’m also not naïve enough to think that just because someone “claims” to be a fundamentalist Christian, it means that they are walking in integrity…that they are who they say they are.  Several things make me believe these accusations are credible.  (1) The story was reported by a reputable national newspaper as a result of investigation. You may not like the Washington Post, and you make think it is a “liberal rag,” but I can remember back to Watergate…folks said the same thing about the Post back then – but the truth is the truth, and when there is this much smoke, there it is likely that there is fire.  (2) I have heard the stories of many, many women who have experienced sexual harassment (and worse) from men who are in positions of power.  I have no qualms believing women when they say that men behaved inappropriately toward them.  (3) I have a report from someone I know and trust who lived and worked in Moore’s hometown, and has first-hand knowledge of the whole Gadsden Mall thing.  He said, “You should believe the women.”  He has no political axe to grind.  He just said, “Moore is not who he claims to be.”

But even if I believed that all the women accusing Moore were lying, and even if I was a Republican, I still could not have voted for the man.  Why? He was a “judge” who was removed from office twice for not following the rule of law.  In my opinion, he is not fit for public office.  As I said before…defiance is his platform.  If I were a Republican, I would want anybody but Roy Moore in Washington representing my party.

Ugggghh! I feel like I need to take another shower even writing about politics.  I long for…pray for…more “towardness” in Washington, so that maybe we can move “forward” instead of “froward.” I long for…pray for…a poverty of spirit that is willing to say to someone else, “You might have a point,” or “I could be mistaken.”  I long for…pray for… the day when young people could pursue politics with a desire to serve their country for the common good…and then be able to actually do just that.  I long for…pray for…a day when civil servants are both “civil” and “servants.”

So I’m waiting…hoping…  This is the Season of Advent, so waiting and hoping are what I’m supposed to be doing anyway!   

Monday, September 25, 2017

"Why I'm Taking a Knee"

“Why I’m Taking a Knee”

I’ve been reading the Book of Daniel.  It’s not the first time I’ve read this book – won’t be the last.  This time is different.  This time I’m finding it easier to relate to a man who has somehow found himself in a culture he is not sure he recognizes anymore.

I went to bed last night with my mind reeling about all the hype surrounding NFL players “taking a knee” during the playing of the National Anthem.  Responses have been passionate on both sides…and played out in social media in every conceivable form.  This story has grown from a “small tropical depression,” (when Colin Kaepernick first took a knee) into a “category 3 hurricane” of opinion, counter opinion…  And then the President of the United States takes time in a political rally (which was supposed to be about a candidate for a senate seat) to say (and I quote), “Wouldn't you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, 'Get that son of a b**ch off the field right now.’”  So, as I said, I went to bed last night with all this swirling around in my head.  Then I got up this morning and read Daniel chapter 6.

Here’s the situation:  Daniel and some of his friends were part of the first wave of exiles taken to Babylon (about 605 BC).  Through a series of events (which are really cool to read) Daniel found himself in a position of authority in the kingdom.  By chapter 6, though, the Medes and Persians had joined forces to overthrow Babylon.  Now Darius was king, and he appointed 120 provincial governors called “satraps” to rule the kingdom.  Supervising these 120 satraps were 3 commissioners…one of which was Daniel.  But Daniel was always the go-to guy.  There was something about him. Daniel 6:3 says that Daniel “possessed an extraordinary spirit.”  Darius was thinking about putting Daniel in charge of the entire kingdom.

Well…this had all the satraps fit to be tied.  They started scheming and plotting about how they could get at Daniel.  They looked for skeletons in his closet.  They probably hired private investigators…called in favors… (think House of Cards). Nothing. Somebody said, “His only Achilles heel might be his devotion to his God. He takes a knee and prays to his God 3 times a day like clockwork.” (Dan. 6: 5) Aha!  An idea was hatched.  They would start by playing off the king’s ego.  They approached him and said, “King Darius, we and all the commissioners (cough cough…lie) agree that you should establish a decree that for the next 30 days, no one can pray to any god but you. Anyone who does, will be thrown into the lion’s den.  And this decree should be irrevocable!” (Dan. 6: 7-8)

So an ego-maniacal leader, issues an executive order, which makes that leader the sole focus of attention and devotion…and anyone who resists will be torn to shreds…

Daniel hears about this through his Twitter feed, and what does he do?  When it comes time to pray, he goes to the same place, at the same time…takes a knee and prays to God, “giving thanks before his God as he had been doing previously.” (Dan. 6: 10 emphasis mine)  Daniel is caught, thrown into the lion’s den, and if you have read the story, you know how it ends.  If you haven’t read the rest of chapter 6, then I won’t spoil it for you.

So I’ve been thinking this morning about courage of conviction, and about resistance, and about non-negotiable principles to live by.  That’s what is going on in the Book of Daniel, chapter 6.  Is that what is going on in the USA and the NFL?  Maybe. I say “maybe” because this is not quite as much of a black-and-white issue (pun intended) as we may think.

I’d like to give the benefit of a doubt to the NFL players who take a knee during the National Anthem.  Maybe they are like Daniel, and they are showing resistance to an Empire that is not taking the cries of Black men seriously…an Empire that says, “Bow to me unquestioningly!” and they say, “No.” 

I say, “I’d like to give the benefit of a doubt,” because I’m having a difficult time doing that.  Standing in my way are a long list of family and friends who fought under the flag I stand for.  The reason “I’d like to,” is that I believe one of the freedoms that my friends and family fought and died for was the freedom to express opinions…freedom to protest non-violently over what are seen as injustices. I find it a tremendous irony that the freedom I cherish when I stand and place my hand over my heart at the playing of the National Anthem…that very freedom, includes the freedom for a millionaire NFL player to take a knee.

Here’s where I come down on the taking a knee thing:  I disagree with this tactic for airing grievances.  It is disrespectful to too many people who have fought for our freedom. In my opinion, there would be better ways.  If you are trying to make White men like me sympathetic to your plight, this is not going to do it.  I am open to what you have to say.  I know there are problems in this country surrounding race.  I’d like to be part of the dialogue.  But don’t start the conversation by disrespecting something like the flag, and by extension those who fought and died for it.  I say this in all humility, knowing that I don’t know what it is like to be a Black man in America.  It’s just where I am on this.

That being said… I may disagree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it.  Nobody should be “fired” for expressing their opinion in a peaceful way.  Freedom of speech and a right to peaceful protest must extend not just to the people who agree with me…but to those with whom I strongly disagree.  When those who disagree with the “ruling” party are berated or threatened or silenced or worse…then we start to look more like North Korea than America.

This is a mess!  I can’t remember seeing my country more divided…can’t remember seeing people so fearful and angry…never witnessed a political scene like the one I see today…  And this is why I take a knee today… 

If you have been to a high school sporting event recently, you might have notices that when one of the players gets hurt, then everything stops, and everyone gets quiet…and everyone takes a knee.  If you are inclined to do so, you bow your head and say a prayer.  If that’s not your bag, you at least give a respectful silence until the player is helped off the field.  I don’t know if that is done everywhere…but that is the way we do it where I’m from.

Today I take a knee today for my country.  It’s like I’m looking on and seeing her bleeding on the field…engaged in a seemingly never-ending war…on the brink of nuclear war…political parties at war…fighting over race, and immigration, climate change, religion – you name it.  I take a knee and pray, that God will heal our land…send us leaders that can bring us together instead of constantly fanning the flames of division.  I stand out of respect, and I take a knee to pray…I do both.  I love my country, but I follow no political leader blindly or uncritically.  Only God has my undivided allegiance. 

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Cyrus, Nebuchadnezzar, Saul, or "None of the Above?"

Wow! It's been a couple of years since I posted anything. It would take something big (apparently) to awaken me from my writing slumber.  Well - something BIG happened yesterday.  Donald J. Trump was inaugurated as POTUS.  I will say up front - I didn't vote for Trump. I (for the first time ever) wrote in a candidate...John Kasich...but I digress...

This morning was like any other morning.  I got up, made some coffee, and went to my desk to have my devotional time, which includes prayer, Bible reading, journaling, and burning incense (no I'm not a Rev. 5: 8 or Rev. 8:'s a prayer thing), and time just meditating.  Yesterday in my journaling, I reflected upon the historic transfer of power to Donald Trump.  I had made myself a promise not to pout if my candidate lost, nor gloat if my candidate won...but to pray for the person who was elected either way.  I prayed yesterday, and I will continue.

This morning's Bible reading was Isaiah chapter 45.  It starts this way:  "This is what the Lord says to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of to subdue nations before him and to strip kings of their armor, to open doors before him so that gates will not be shut."  Whoa.  I don't know if "irony" is the proper word or if this is just flat out a "God thing," or if God is looking at me and giggling.  The day after Donald Trump gets inaugurated, I am reading about how God "anoints" a pagan, Gentile king and promises to help him subdue nations...  Why in the world would God pick Cyrus?  Well, turns out God had a special job for Cyrus.  Cyrus would be the one who would first allow the Israelites to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple.  Not only that, he would send supplies and the the treasures that had been taken from the Temple when it was destroyed.  Later he would free the Israelites from captivity and allow them to return home from strings attached.  Really, Cyrus did more for the Hebrews that many of the kings of Judah.  Hmmm....

Cyrus...Trump?  Then my brain kicked in and I remembered a critical difference in the analogy.  The Jews didn't elect Cyrus.  They were already in captivity in Babylon and Cyrus conquered that region.

So is Donald Trump like Cyrus?  For over a year now, conservative Christian leaders who were supporters of Trump have been comparing Trump to Cyrus.  At the time I was thinking, "Y'all are crazy...this guy won't get nominated, much less elected."  Alrighty then.  So I did some research and read some articles.  One article I read in "Charisma News"from March, 2016 was written by Dr. Michael Brown.  He raises the question, "Is Trump like Cyrus?"  He points out that the analogy breaks down at the place I saw it break down - that the Jews didn't "elect" Cyrus.  Be that as it may, could Trump be the one God uses to "restore" America?  Before we say, "Yes" too quickly, Dr. Brown also points out that there was another pagan king - Nebuchadnezzar - whom the Bible calls, "God's servant."  His purpose was to destroy, punish, and take into captivity.  Could Trump be that kind of "servant" of God?  I like Dr. Brown's answer:  "Let God be God.  Only time will tell."

At least one other possibility comes to my mind.  I am reminded of what Israel did in 1 Samuel 8.  The people said to Samuel, "Give us a king."  Samuel was upset, and prayed to God about it.  "And the Lord told him, 'Listen  to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king.  As they have done from the day I brought them up out of Egypt until this day, forsaking me and serving other gods so they are doing to you.  Now listen to them, but warn them solemnly and let them know what the king who will reign over them will do.'" (1 Sam. 8: 7-9, emphasis mine) want a "king?"  You want a strong, take-no-prisoners man who will defeat your enemies and make your country "win" again?  Be careful what you ask for...

Is Trump Cyrus, Nebuchadnezzar, Saul, or none-of-the-above?  I really don't know.  Let God be God. Only time will tell.  What I do know is that this seems to be a critical crossroads for our nation.  I believe now is the time for some praying and some soul-searching.  I say let's give Trump a chance to lead and see what happens.  In my opinion, protesters yelling, "Not My President!" etc... do little good.  The man is in office.  That being said, if Trump does act and lead in a way that is against the core principles that followers of Christ have chosen to live by, or if he acts or leads in a way that is contrary to the principles on which our nation was founded...we can and must let our voices be heard.  I (we) must not be silent in the face of injustice or tyranny.  As a preacher, I must reclaim my prophetic voice.  Y'all, I really do pray that this will be a time of restoration, not a downward spiral.

"Grant us wisdom, grant us courage, for the facing of these days!"  Amen.