The word for today
is…kindness. It seems like everywhere I
looked today, this word kept popping up.
First was the daily devotional from Richard Rohr, where he reminds us of
the Dalai Lama’s words… “My religion is kindness.” That sounds all mystical and Dalai Lamaish,
until we realize that it’s not just him.
Rohr goes on – “We could dismiss that as lightweight
theology, until we remember that Jesus said, “This is my commandment: you must
love one another” (John 13:34). Kindness is supposed to be the religion of
Christians too!”
Is that really true? I got to looking. Romans 2:4 says that it is the “kindness” of
God that leads us to repentance.
Galatians 6:22 says that the fruit of the Spirit is – among other things
– kindness. Colossians 3:12 tells us to
put on a heart of kindness. There are
other references, but these seems to be enough to point to a pattern. Kindness is a quality of God that God desires
to see in us. The Greek word for
kindness is chrestotes – which means “moral
goodness, integrity, benignity (favorable attitude – doing kind and gracious
“My religion is kindness,” says the
Dalai Lama. Turns out - mine is
too. I just sometimes forget it. Instead, I fight to prove I’m right and my
opponent is wrong. What if I just showed
kindness (which leads to repentance)?
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