Friday, January 17, 2014

The Professor's Sin

I grew up watching Gilligan’s Island.  I loved it!  I was saddened to hear about the death yesterday of “The Professor,” from that show, Russell Johnson.  He was 89 years old, and he died in his home state of Washington.  If you want to know more about him, here’s a link:

The Professor’s death brought back to my mind something that I found a few years ago when I was preaching a sermon series on “The Seven Deadly Sins.”  You might be thinking, “How in the world is Gilligan’s Island connected to the Seven Deadly Sins?”  I’m glad you asked.  It’s like this:

The island represents Hell.  Everybody on the island wants to leave, but can’t.  Each of the characters on the island represents one (or more) of the Seven Deadly Sins.

1.     LUST - Ginger.  She practically oozes sexuality, is obsessed with her looks, etc… (I personally had a crush on Mary Ann).

2.     ENVY – Mary Ann.  She is envious of Ginger’s glamorous appeal.

3.     PRIDE – The Professor.  He knows it all.  (Is there anything that guy can’t build out of coconut shells and some vine?)

4.     GREED – Mr. Howell.  Nuff said.

5.     SLOTH – Mrs. Howell.  She never lifts a finger to help out with anything.

6-7. GLUTTONY and ANGER – The Skipper.  He’s overweight (from eating too many coconut cream pies?), and he’s always going off on Gilligan and hitting him with his hat, etc…

What about Gilligan?  Well, he is Satan.  He is the person who got them to the island.  It’s his island, right?   He is the one who keeps them from getting off by messing up all their plans to escape through is bungling.  Did you ever notice he always wears red?  Hmmmm.

This is just a fun mental exercise, really, unless we take time to see ourselves in the characters and in the Seven Deadly Sins.  You ever do that?  I’ve thought a good bit about “The Professor’s” sin – PRIDE.  “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” (Prov. 16:18)  Maybe that’s why God hates our pride.  It is the “anti-Christ attitude.”  It kills.  Unless we let it go, it will keep us stranded on our own “island.”

Here’s a prayer I found against pride.  I am praying it today, as I remember The Professor, and the sin that so easily besets us.  Will you join me in this prayer?

O Lord Jesus Christ, Pattern of humility, who didst empty Thyself of Thy glory, and take upon the form of a servant: root out of us all pride and conceit of heart, that, owing ourselves miserable and guilty sinners, we may willingly bear contempt and reproaches for Thy sake, and glorying in nothing but Thee, may esteem ourselves lowly in Thy sight. Not unto us, O Lord, but to Thy name be the praise, for Thy loving mercy and for Thy truth's sake. Amen.

(prayer is from

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